Private insurance
Belongings and home

Since the 1st of September 2012, all homeowners have the obligation to insure their house.
According to the construction type that must be insured, the compulsory insurance premiums of the home are in the amount of 20 Euro for A-type constructions and 10 Euro for B-type constructions.
A-type constructions, those which have structural frame of reinforced concrete, metal or wood, with exterior walls made of stone, fired bricks or materials undergoing a heat or chemical treatment, are insured to a value of 20.000 Euro.
B-type constructions, which have exterior walls made of non-fired bricks or materials that don’t undergo heat or chemical treatment, are insured to a value of 10.000 Euro.
The optional home insurance provides supplementary protection depending on the type of contracted insurance, in case of events caused by fires, explosion, falling object accidents, crash by vehicles, wild animals interference, vandalism, strikes, riots, civil disorders, terrorism, water freezing in pipes or tanks.
Motor third party liability (MTPL)

The MTPL insurance is implied when third parties, suffering prejudices in a car accident caused by the insured driver, receive compensations for material damages and/or death or personal injuries.
All car owners, natural or legal persons, have the obligation to take out a mandatory MTPL insurance and to pay the appropriate insurance premium. They also have to apply on the vehicle windshield, as to be seen from the outside, the vignette received along with the insurance policy.
This insurance is meant for the prejudiced party to be granted compensations for the damages suffered by him or her, irrespective of the responsible party’s financial situation.
The MTPL insurance contract may be concluded with any of the certified insurance companies, for 1 or 12 months, according to your option.
The premium charges for the MTPL mandatory insurance are applied differently from one company to another.
For all MTPL mandatory insurances concluded since the 1st of January 2010, the insurance companies have the legal obligation to apply the bonus-malus system that determines the decrease or increase of the MTPL insurance premium, in accordance with the damage history achieved by the insured/user natural person within a reference time.

CASCO is an optional insurance suitable for all vehicles registered or in the course of registration in Romania, in operation, they are well maintained and their body and breakable parts don’t present any damages.
The risks covered through a CASCO policy are: smashes or collisions, atmospheric phenomena, fire, explosion, vandalism, falling tree or other object accidents, total or partial theft, reaching flooded areas (depending on the insurer) and others.
CASCO insurance conditions may differ from one insurance company to another, both in terms of insured risks, excluded risks, the deductible value (if applicable) and other specific elements, as well as in terms of the insurance premiums and their payment conditions. Therefore, to talk about relevance of a comparison between the insurance premium values applied by the insurance companies, it is necessary that the provided services to be comparable too.
CASCO policy may have also attached coverage for roadside assistance services: towing expenses, technical assistance or emergency accommodation as well as other provisions stipulated by the insurer.
CASCO insurance shall not be mistaken for the motor third party liability (MTPL) insurance. While CASCO provides you coverage for damages suffered by your own vehicle, your MTPL insurance covers the material damages and/or personal injuries suffered by other persons following a car accident at your fault.
It is advisable to conclude with the same insurance company both policies, CASCO and MTPL, considering that, in case of traveling abroad, this package offers you extension of some coverage types also outside Romania, depending on the insurer.
Subject to a CASCO insurance, your rights and obligations as insured, as well as those of the insurance company, are the ones stipulated in the insurance contract concluded.
Outbound travel

The travel medical insurance is recommended to be followed through before starting an outbound travel. The expenses occurred by an unpleasant event can be highly significant if the patient doesn’t have medical insurance. This policy covers the accident risks, medicines and medical supplies, diagnosis procedures given by the doctor, hospitalization, emergency surgical interventions, emergency dental treatment, transport expenses related to ambulance services toward the nearest hospital, transport expenses to a specialist clinic, sickness and the insurer’s death in most cases, within the period and territorial boundaries registered on the policy.
The travel medical insurance may include, apart from the medical risks insured, other types of risk too: loss or deterioration of luggage, supplementary costs occurred as a result of transportation delays, private civil liability abroad, loss or replacement of documents, insurance for the travel cancellation risk, travel tickets cancelled because of the airline company bankruptcy, compensations for the returned plane tickets, reimbursement of expenses caused by rejecting the insured on getting out of the country, refusal of the airline company to board the insured on the respective flight.

The accelerated development of medical services has led to an increase of the request of health optional insurances.
A good health insurance guarantees the access to the best medical services, especially in terms of territorial coverage, the insured being allowed the access to medical services inside or outside the country according to the type of insurance chosen.
The health insurance charge depends mostly on the insured person’ age, occupation (considering the professional risks) and medical condition upon concluding the policy.